Θερμά συγχαρητήρια στους ασκούμενους μας Ειρήνη Κασάπη, Ζήνωνα Σάντη και Χρυσάνθη Πιέρου που αρίστευσαν στις εξετάσεις του Νομικού Συμβουλίου! Τιμή για το γραφείο μας και το επάγγελμα.
Signing a contract is often a critical step in both personal and professional dealings. Whether you’re entering into a business agreement, leasing a property, or finalizing a service contract, understanding every aspect of the document is essential to protect your interests. Below are key points to consider before putting pen to paper.
This ruling sets an important precedent for cases involving public tenders and administrative annulments. It strengthens the legal stance that the administration is not obliged to award a contract or provide compensation unless direct financial harm is proven. Furthermore, it clarifies that lost profit is not a compensable claim unless there is clear and substantiated financial loss directly resulting from the annulled administrative decision.
The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal, upholding the trial court’s decision that the defendant was unjustly enriched. The ruling reinforces that unjust enrichment serves as a fundamental equitable remedy in cases where financial gain is obtained without legal justification. The defendant was ordered to return €61,784.91 plus legal interest and costs of €3,000 plus VAT to the claimants. This decision sets a precedent ensuring that bank guarantees cannot be misused as a means of unjust financial gain, reaffirming the role of equity and fairness in financial transactions.